manav mathur

Started from side-hustling, here’s how Manav Mathur bootstrapped Manush Digitech


Website – Manush Digitech

Founder – Manav Mathur

With an aim to help startups grow their online presence, Manav Mathur shares his story on how he bootstrapped a Digital Agency from scratch.

Manush Digitech, a rising digital marketing agency, brings forth affordable digital marketing services for startups. They have successfully attracted numerous startup businesses looking for quality digital marketing services.

The agency got established in 2018 and has been working towards success of their clients since then. Either Domestic or overseas startups both prefer Manush Digitech for digital marketing services. The founders do not believe in ill-gotten gains and thus manifests the best digital marketing services at the best price possible.

The digital marketing agency laid its foundation in 2018 and did not look back since then. The base of the company is set up in Noida. The founder and co-founder have worked on their projects to get practical exposure in the Digital marketing field, as “Most agencies today are running after numbers. We thrive to build result-oriented strategies for businesses. We focus on quality more than quantity.”- Manav Mathur.

The digital marketing agency is now a trusted shoulder for numerous merchants. The affordable packages, result-oriented strategies, transparency and authenticity in work for a diversity of businesses makes the agency more appreciable. The devoted team of Manush Digitech outstands the work with their consistent efforts. The team keep abreast of the latest google standards for SEO-friendly websites.

The increased percentage of digital marketing fraud in the post-pandemic period has reached 55 per cent. In an industry packed with deceptive Digital marketing agencies, Manush Digitech has survived to become one of the most trustworthy SEO service providers without compromising quality. The company has successfully bind numerous domestic and overseas merchants up to now.

From strategizing to implementation, the agency plies the client’s work to create more brand awareness and consolidate its brand image.

What made you strike this business idea? What inspired you to start this company?

Manav – During my college days, I researched a lot about generating passive income online since I always wanted to skip the Rat-Race. While most of my circle was busy finding jobs, I started building some assets in the form of websites. Still, the main challenge was to bring website traffic organically since I didn’t have enough budget to spend on Social Media or Google Ads. That’s when I learned SEO and mastered the skills by implementing them on my websites.

However, to fund the projects, I did a few digital marketing jobs, where I also learned more about Social Media and Brand Building. Then came a time when my websites started generating enough revenue to quit my job and start helping others with a vision similar to mine. I always thought, If I can do it for myself, why not for others.

I always take very calculated risks in business and hence started freelancing in website development and marketing to gain some confidence with my skills and create an Agency. With the monetary support from my websites and freelance projects, my partner (now wife) and I came up with the idea to incorporate Manush Digitech Pvt. Ltd. to help more businesses grow their online presence.

When did you start your business?

Manav – In January 2018.

What does success mean to your company?

Manav – For me, success is when my clients win. And when your clients win, revenue follows. When I see the results that helped my websites grow, grow my client’s brand, that is success for me.

How are you performing currently?

Manav – By performing, if you mean monetarily, we are doing good enough to provide high-quality services to our clients and support our team.

What is the biggest risk to your company?

Manav – The risks in Digital Marketing Industry are never-ending. You never know when Google rolls out the next update that could affect your client’s website rankings. Or a platform that has been providing you the best results, stopping their services (take an example of Google Plus). However, we are always prepared with some backup plans to manage the risks involved in our business.

What is the biggest challenge you faced during your start-up setup?

Manav – Delegation of tasks has always been a challenge for me. I am very particular about what I want for my clients, and the biggest challenge I faced during setting up was to find someone with the same mindset as mine. When Anusha (my wife) came into the picture, Anusha helped me manage the social media section for our clients. Then we together struggled in hiring suitable candidates for our agency, bringing me back to the first point, the delegation of the tasks.

What are your plans for the funding?

Manav – Interestingly, being a bootstrapped startup, we never had to face any challenges in terms of funding (thanks to our loyal clients and side projects). We plan to continue the same unless we come up with another big idea.

What does growth mean to you and your business?

Manav – Keeping up with the latest industry trends and introducing new ideas on a regular basis has always been a contributing growth factor for me personally and will always be. The growth of our company is directly dependent on the growth of our client’s businesses.

How does your product stand different from others in the market?

Manav – I always had a “take the road less traveled” mindset, and this helped me create great USPs for our agency. While most of the companies focus only on selling Digital Marketing Packages, we focus more on personalized growth plans along with some unique revenue-generating services for our clients that no other agency is offering. We are also into website flipping services and have great case studies in it. 

Where are your start-up services spread?

Manav – We offer online services to our clients and operate from Noida. However, we have clients from Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Gujarat, Australia, UAE, and the U.K., and we are planning to launch our branches internationally.

What does it feel to be the founder of your start-up?

Manav – Despite being the founder of the company, I feel precisely how most of our team feels like. When you absolutely love your work, it doesn’t feel like work. We are incredibly passionate about Digital Marketing and wake up every morning with a purpose to learn and do something new for the company or our clients. However, the journey has its ups and downs, but it doesn’t matter if you are already following your passion.

Where do you see your business standing in the next 5 years?

Manav – In the next five years, we will probably be spread internationally and help more startups grow with our unique offerings. As we are constantly focusing on some side projects as well (that we can’t reveal as of now), we can clearly see a Manush Group of Companies forming in the next five years.

Who supports you to stand this business and how?

Manav – In the initial days, when I was hustling with the side projects, my parents supported me with the idea to choose a different path from others and start a business. My mom supported me mentally throughout the journey, while my dad has always been a provider. I also have an elder sister who at times helps us with her great experience in HR. But in business, you always need a partner who you can count on. Be it your friends or anyone with who you plan to start your journey. For me, it was always Anusha, who completes MANUSH and now the Co-Founder and Social Media Head at Manush Digitech Pvt. Ltd. Needless to say, the company is being run by a power couple with a highly supportive family and a passionate team.

The base of the company is in Noida. The indispensable requirement of any business is extracting more profit from the low investment. The agency promises the best quotes for digital marketing packages. The company impartially works with startups and well-established businesses.

The passionate and dedicated team never fails to amaze the clients. The agency endeavours to bring out-of-box ideas for marketing and promotion. Businesses have observed a considerable jump in their overall sale and lead. Manush Digitech believes in generating quality leads to organically.

The team strategizes the work from in-depth research and competitive analysis and then develops innovative ideas that suit the business niche. The agency handles all well-known social media platforms, including Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, for official pages of the client’s company page. The team even creates official pages it the project is a startup.

The digital marketing agency has tied up with diverse niche projects, including medical, food, travel, education, and many more. All the tied up businesses are delighted with the performance of the agency. The company has several projects lined up for different services of digital marketing and website development.

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