
Success Story of The Healthy Company (THC)


Website – The Healthy Company

Founders – Devansh Jain Nawal, Ackshay Jain

As founders of ‘The Healthy Company’, Devansh Jain Nawal, and Ackshay Jain wanted to focus mostly on health products and then devised plans that could help them achieve their goal. The inspiration of such health products came when one of the founders discovered the medical benefits some foods. Their assumptions turned into definite ideas when they applied such meals on themselves and got some really positive results. And thanks to both Devansh and Ackshay and their love for fitness and technology for coming up with the idea of ‘The Healthy Company’.

Now their products have seen a significant adoption towards all ages ranging from the 20s to the late 60s. It’s been almost 3 years since their company got public and they are happy to say that they achieved over 50,000 success stories. Their dream of revamping diet and lifestyle in an easy and flexible way is finally coming to a success.

Starting the business

It was in 2019 that founders, Devansh Jain Nawal, and Ackshay Jain finally got the preparations done and launched their company. With the aim of building a full-fledged healthy ecosystem by increasing access to superfoods, affordable medical consultations and a community of health focused individuals, their dream was finally in motion. In the initial stages, the company focused mainly on the common health problems such as low immunity, sudden weight loss, detoxification and the implementation of low carb diets on a wider scale.

Once they were speeding up their business processes, they came up with their AI powered coaching service called as EVA which helped people easily manage their lifestyle while continuing a healthy diet plan. This helped thousands of customers to lose weight naturally and have a taste of a fit lifestyle.

Challenges faced during the start-up period

Though there were many obstacles crossing paths with their start-up. Founders, Devansh Jain Nawal and Ackshay Jain remained committed to their dream even though they were just in college.

Biggest risk to the company

The company believes that as long as they are committed towards delivering the best products for their customers, no matter how big the risk is, they will shine. Afterall hampering the quality of their products is the only barricade to their success. And since we are talking about this, fake companies or copy-cats have tried to replicate the company’s products and come up with some really scrappy products. This has been damaging for the company’s reputation at times.

Meaning of success for THC

Health is a basic need of all human being. Everyone has heard the saying, “Health is Wealth” its pretty true. If you have a good health and live long enough, you will be happy ultimately.

And The Healthy Company envisions the same. Through the use of technology and bio-science they aim at making the world a healthier place. They believe that humans should have an average life span of atleast 100 years. Everyone deserves to spend more time in their lives.

How does THC’s products standout in the market?

There are several reasons why THC is standing out from its competitors in the same market. Their products are so successful because they combine natural science, superfoods and personal coaching to tackle the effects of the modern-day lifestyle. Their health care plans are solely focused on the positive outcomes. Some of the main factors being weight management, improved immunity, encouraging low carb diets, and tackling certain health problems like, PCOS, thyroid and sleeplessness.

Future visions of the company

One of the most prominent visions of the company is to find solutions to most health-related issues that a person faces in their lifestyle. Thing like obesity, depression, weight loss, and many more. They seek to eliminate all of this through natural products, science and technology. Moreover, their aim is to spread their company’s products to more and more cities all across the country and also aim for a global position.

The Healthy Company’s current position

Being able to grow into such a huge position in just a few span of years, the Healthy Company’s products are available at all major online stores, Amazon, Cred, Healthkart, Pharmeasy and many more. Their mobile application EVA can also be downloaded from the company’s website.

Other than these, the company has managed to grab new funding opportunities for further development. They are focusing all of these funding to further improve their products, diversification, expansion, new and outcome-focused health plans and R&D.

What inspired you to start this company?

As founders, we wanted health-focused plans to be convenient. Our products were formulated when Ackshay, my co-founder and I, Devansh discovered the efficacy of natural superfoods. Our personal weight loss journeys involved the consumption of these products and understanding the importance of meal plans. Having personally lost over 50 kilos from 130 to 78 kilos, It was my love for fitness and technology that culminated in the form of The Healthy Company. These products have seen tremendous adoption & love across 50,000+ success stories since we launched The Healthy Company. We strive to solve the pain point of consumption without significant meal preparation, by allowing users to revamp their diet & lifestyle in an easy, flexible & sustainable manner.

When did you start your business?

Founded by Devansh Jain Nawal & Ackshay Jain in 2019, The Healthy Company (“THC”) is building a complete health ecosystem democratizing access to superfood products, expert consultations & an empathetic community for health-focused individuals. Currently, they offer superfood infused products and health plans focused on immunity, weight loss, detox & keto diets. This is supplemented by EVA, an AI-powered health-coaching platform, for users to manage their diet and lifestyle. Their proprietary approach has helped consumers lose weight and embark on a fitness journey.

What does success mean to your company? 

Health is a fundamental human need for happiness; it changes how we feel and gives us common ground. 
We want the world to get healthier. If we succeed, there is more life in every human, everyone lives to at least 100 years, and there’s more joy. 
We want to maximise human lifespan through technology & bioscience. 
The current average human life is 79 years old, we believe it should be at least a 100. 
We all deserve to spend more time with our loved ones, no one should have to lose them due to bad health. 
How are you performing currently? 

Having witnessed a rapid, robust & profitable growth, our products are now available across online channels including our own website, EVA mobile app, Amazon, Cred, LBB, Pharmeasy, Bigbasket, Qtrove and Healthkart. With our latest funding infusion, The Healthy Company will further accelerate its rapid growth with superfoods-based, outcome-focused health plans through diversification in the product portfolio as well as expansion in distribution channels. They will utilize the funds to invest in R&D to launch multiple product lines across health goals like Skin health, mental wellness, performance etc. as well as scale up the EVA, their mobile health coach app across geographies.

What is the biggest risk to your company? 

Ensuring we deliver on what we promise for each and every consumer. We also see tons of copy cat brands popping up trying to capitalise on our success, but with inferior and often scummy products that give the wellness industry a bad reputation at times.

What are your plans for the funding? 

We have just announced our partnership with domain specialists DSG Consumer Partners & GetVantage which will allow us to continue building on our vision and commitment to allow every Indian to manage their health & lifestyle more effectively.

What is the biggest challenge you faced during your start-up setup?

As two undergraduate still in college, the biggest challenge for us was to demonstrate how committed we were to our mission.

How does your product stand different from others in the market? 

We combine scientifically-backed, natural, & holistic superfoods with AI-based personal health coaching to combat modern lifestyle health concerns. We offer outcome-focused plans for users to focus on holistic fitness, offering plans for different lifestyle concerns like: weight management, keto diet and immunity building. We also target problems like PCOS, thyroid and broken sleep patterns to help you through 100% natural superfoods with ingredients backed by science.

Our health plans include free membership to EVA (a health coaching focused mobile app) and curated superfood-infused snacks & beverages, which include granola bars and green teas. Recommended by leading medical physicians & health coaches, THC’s products are superior in taste, honest and clean.

EVA becomes a user’s personal health coach, with a combined understanding of their body structure, current lifestyle, health goals & taste preferences. EVA devises health plans that include meals, workouts & curated products for users to achieve their health goals. This includes plans for weight loss, muscle gain, managing lifestyle problems like PCOD, thyroid levels and diabetes. Bringing onboard the best medical and health experts, alongside a community of like-minded health driven people sharing  recipes, workout tips and their experiences, THC has paved an easier and effective way to ensure their users achieve their goals.

What does it feel to be the founder of your start-up?

It feels like a great privilege and a responsibility to have the opportunity to work on a mission that is larger than me and can potentially transcend my existence as a company driven to continue maximising human lifespan, pushing the limits of science and technology.

Where do you see your business standing in the next 5 years?

We see ourselves as the first go-to solution for any and all health-related problems that a person might face and bye the trusted scientific and convenient solution for them to never have to worry about not being in their best shape, both physically and mentally.

Who supports you to stand this business?

First and foremost it’s the team that works day in and out to make our vision a reality. Then it is our mentors and investors who provide us with experience, insights and the infrastructure to execute the mission of The Healthy Company.

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