Zig Ziglar notably said, “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” And I entirely agree with Mr....
Author startupurbanPosted on
Have you ever used Siri or Google assistant for search purposes? I am sure you have, and if not,...
Author startupurbanPosted on
With the Make in India initiative promoted by the Government of India, youngsters and every other citizen who possesses...
Author startupurbanPosted on
India is a country of farmers. Agriculture is the primary occupation for most people in the country. 70% of...
Author startupurbanPosted on
The most valuable assets of an organisation are human resources. Yes, it is the employees who have talent, skills,...
Author startupurbanPosted on
If you are an entrepreneur, inspirational books can be a wonder for you. You will find the practical knowledge...
Author startupurbanPosted on
While we reach the month end, it seems quite miserable to see our pockets running out of cash. It...
Author startupurbanPosted on
Employees, who are not happy with their job, look for better job opportunity. Most of the industries, including small...